store intro
store intro

“Hesokuri” or “secret savings”,
is a word we use regularly today.
When we trace the origins of the word,
it goes back to a time when people wore hemp
and mothers would secretly spin hemp thread
into the night as a side job to support the family.
The money saved diligently was called “hesokuri”,
which in Chinese characters, is written,
“spinning of the hemp spool”.

Now that we’ve found the hints for a “better” future,
the next step is to incorporate things into our lives
that allow us to get closer to what we envisioned.
Little by little; like the spinning of a hemp spool.
Wouldn’t it be great to live with things
that tell the story of its maker?
Things that make us say, “YES!” and cheer that maker on?

We’re going to call this the “hesokuri of peace”.

Product-making that repeats its cycle and
spreads the roots of “YES” in each region.
Here, we’ve gathered products made by makers
who see Japan’s beauty
and are thrilled to share them with you.

a Manifesto

What is made from familiar plants in Japan

What is made by the hands of craftsmen

What can be fixed repeatedly and
used across generations

What has succeeded tradition and evolved into something
more beautiful that resonates with the times

What is ingrained with the wisdom and
creativity of our ancestors

What becomes better as it becomes worn

What eventually returns to the earth